Wood Engravings

Faber and Faber, 1963
The Coat of Arms, as it appears on every British Passport.
From The Other Side of the Alde By Kenneth Clarke, printed in a limited edition at Litton Cheney. Published by Warren Editions (Jonathan & Phillida Gili) 1968. First use of Janet Type.
From a set of 17 engravings, published by Warren Editions (Jonathan & Phillida Gili) 1976.
Boxwood, a selection of engravings illustrated with poems by Sylvia Townsend Warner, published by Monotype Corporation, 1957.
Boxwood, a selection of engravings illustrated with poems by Sylvia Townsend Warner, published by Monotype Corporation, 1957.
From the prospectus for the Old Rectory engraving set. Circa 1960
From a set of 17 engravings, published by Warren Editions (Jonathan & Phillida Gili) 1976.
From a quarterly list of books published by Oxford University Press, 1959
Published by Cambridge University Press, 1961
Title page engraving, Faber & Faber 1937
Circa 1940's
Published by Faber & Faber, 1947